Tell us about yourself!
I’m a wife and mother of three who loves to create jewelry, scrapbook and dabble in home décor . I love to write and I especially love to blog!
What makes you unique as a woman?
I guess I’m unique in that I used to be a lawyer (gasp!) but I’m so far remo

What do you love about kids?
I love that kids love unconditionally. I love that kids say the cutest and sometimes most outrageous things! I love that we can learn from our children every day. I love that kids are absolute sponges when it comes to learning new things.
What are you currently doing besides your creative craft?
HA! What else am I currently doing? I’m raising three kids, ages 11, 9 and 6. I make jewelry, scrapbook, teach Sunday School and blog like crazy whenever I can. Notice that house cleaning did not even make the list! Please don’t tell. What is the address for your Etsy Shop?
What do you offer in your Etsy shop?

I create jewelry in my home craft room/studio.
Where do you find your
I find inspiration from some of my favorite jewelry design

How did you get started in your line of business?
I got started because of my daughters, really. They wanted me to help them create some simple jewelry pieces to sell one summer at the beach and I started from there and just kept going!
How do you promote your business?
I really don’t promote my shop like I know I should. My blog is one place where my shop gets some exposure. I also belong to a few social networks of artisans where I can promote my stuff. Etsy Teams are also a good way to put yourself out there.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned since starting this business is that sales are icing on the cake, at least for me. I’m blessed in that I don’t have to do this to make a living so I can revel a bit more in the process of creating and enjoy blogging to its fullest without feeling the stress of having to sell. (But don’t get me wrong ~ I still do a real happy dance whenever one of my pieces sells! It’s great to know that others love your work, too.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
My advice to someone just starting out would be to believe in yourself, really put yourself and your creations out there. Start a blog and you’ll be amazed to find how many new friends you’ll make!
What are some of your favorite online shops on and off Etsy?
On Etsy: two I really like are http://Silvivia.etsy.com (romantic, embellished fashions) and http://LesPetitsTresors.etsy.com (burlap and feedsack pillows). For jewelry supplies I love to shop at http://Ornamentea.com
What are your other sites?
My blog is at http://charmbraceletdiva.blogspot.com
Be sure to stop by Kathleen's Etsy shop and leave a comment here telling her which item is your favorite!