Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grow Your Business with Social Media: Maximizing Your Time Featuring Tara Gentile

It's the final week in our 5-part series on Navigating the Waters of Social Media: A Mom's Perspective and we are delighted to feature our last guest blogger, Tara Gentile, editor of Scoutie Girl.    If you've enjoyed the last few weeks of the series which touched on capitalizing on Etsy Forums, Facebook and Twitter to build an online network for your indie business, you will be tickled pink you joined us this week!    

I’m Tara Gentile and I’m a philosopher of creative living and DIY culture & lifestyle design expert. 

What that really means is that I had the crazy notion, at the age of 26, that my degree in contemporary religious thought should be enough to afford me a small living, working from home with my brand new baby girl. Once that crazy dream became reality, I had another vague notion that odd jobs could become a full-time business.  That notion led to a complete lifestyle redesign for my family.

In less than 2 years, my business – my brain and its output – now support my family entirely. We live a life that allows me to concentrate on helping you to realize your own vague notions and crazy dreams. My goals for you exist at the intersection of technology, DIY culture, and the divine spark of creativity.

The subject of social media strategies for small businesses is nothing new. So we wanted to offer a different perspective, a fresh take on making the most of social networking with the limited amount of time most creative entrepreneur moms can devote to being online.  

Who better to ask than the highly sought after Tara Gentile, who helps passionate people produce and profit?  

I had the good fortune to spend 5 minutes chatting with Tara a couple of weeks ago via Skype.  Watch the clip of our chat  for Tara's thoughtful insight on these questions:
  • Is your online business suffering if you aren't using one or more social media outlets?
  • What advice would you give to a Mom who says “I feel like I’m on social network overload; I’m a member of so many different sites, and I’m not sure how I should differentiate my presence on each one?"
  • How do you personally balance your work and family?

Connect with Tara here: