Sunday, August 29, 2010

EtsyMom Curator Award

We are so excited to introduce the EtsyMom Curator Award - an award that will honor the dedication of one EtsyMom each month! The recipient will be the EtsyMom who helps to promote the team as a whole by curating the most EtsyMom team treasuries in a one month period! We will also be acknowledging each and every team treasury as well as the EtsyMom who curates it on the EtsyMom Curator Award Blog!

If you have not made a treasury before, and need help creating your first treasury, please let us know. We will be happy to help.

The big holiday shopping season is here, and we want to promote EtsyMom as a team to get our name out there and encourage others to buy handmade products from hard working, talented and dedicated moms. We think that a great way to start off is by encouraging all EtsyMoms to curate EtsyMom team treasuries. We have quite a few members - what a huge impact it would have on promoting EtsyMom! Many people check the treasuries often, and I know that some shop directly from them.

This is how the EMCA will work:

Each EtsyMom who curates an EtsyMom TEAM treasury will submit a link to their treasury link here in this thread: EMCA - EtsyMom Curator Award
Every single team treasury will get a screenshot (picture) posted to the EtsyMom Curator Award Blog as well as a thank you with a link directly to the curator’s shop.
The EtsyMom who curates the most treasuries in a one month period will be the recipient of the EMCA, which is comprised of three parts: the winner’s shop’s EtsyMini will be posted on our team blog for one month as a thank you for helping to support the team, there will be a Marvelous Mom feature of them and they will also get to choose a prize from one of that month’s sponsors.

The rules:

The sponsors for the month CANNOT be winners for that month
The same person cannot win two awards in a row.
In order for your treasury to count, you must use only EtsyMom items, and mention "EtsyMom" either in your treasury title or description so it’s easily identified as an EtsyMom treasury.

The recipient of the award will be announced each month in the EtsyMom newsletter, and a special mention will go out to each EtsyMom who manages to curate at least 4 treasuries in that one month period. Between now and the holidays, selections will be made from weekly treasuries for inclusion in the holiday gift guides.

The EMCA challenge will be active from the 15th until the 14th of the following month. This means that the first challenge starts NOW! The first recipient of the EMCA will be announced on the 14th, and their EtsyMini will be posted on the EtsyMom blog for one month.

Each month, we will have 3 new sponsors for the EMCA recipient of the month to choose from. You can also sign up to be a sponsor in the forum. An EtsyMom will be in charge of this list, and she will be choosing 3 different sponsors each month.